Sandy Scott: A Retrospective

Exhibition Website

- Apr 16 2017

Sandy Scott received her formal art training at the Kansas City Art Institute and later worked as an animation background artist in the motion picture industry. She turned her attention to etchings and printmaking in the 1970’s and to sculpture in the 1980’s. Born in Dubuque, Iowa in 1943 and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she works today in Lander, Wyoming in a studio near the foundry that casts her bronzes. She also maintains studios on Lake of the Woods, Ontario, Canada, and in the mountains of northern Colorado. Sandy is an avid outdoorswoman who loves to hunt and fish. She has made 16 trips to Alaska as well as Europe, Russia, China and South America. Sandy believes that to be a good artist, she must conduct field work to know her subjects and accurately present her subjects to the viewer. Having experienced and lived what she depicts, her work is unquestionably authentic.

Credit: Exhibition overview from museum website.

  • American
  • 20th Century
  • Animals / Wildlife / Nature
  • Sandy Scott

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