Out of Many, One: New Work by Studio Faculty

University of New Mexico Department of Art

Exhibition Website

Sep 9 2016 - Dec 10 2016

The UNMAM exhibits contemporary works by 29 current faculty in the university’s Department of Art and Art History.

With this exhibition, Out of Many, One, the museum takes a significant step in examining recent work by faculty in the diverse studio areas of the department. Extensive studio visits were conducted by the curators starting in early summer 2015 through the end of spring 2016 and a total of 48 works were chosen, with several entries consisting of groupings of smaller pieces. The themes that are highlighted among the works in this exhibition underscore the diversity and strength of the Department of Art’s studio faculty. The final groupings of light, mapping, portraiture, narrative contexts, abstraction, still life, installation, and performance are meant to bring the museum visitor’s attention to the visible traces in the work that convey the dynamic energy and creativity of the artists included and their ongoing conversations with (and responses to) the larger contemporary field in which they actively work and to which they contribute.

Credit: Exhibition overview from museum website.

  • American
  • Contemporary
  • Group show

Exhibition Venues & Dates