Founded in 1941, the Museum's permanent collection consists of some 7,600 works of art concentrated in five curatorial departments: European, American, Chinese, Contemporary and Photography.
Holdings of 19th- and 20th-century painting and sculpture include works by Brancusi, Gauguin, Matisse, Miró, Monet, Picasso, Davis, Hassam, Hopper, Manship, O'Keeffe, Pollock and Sheeler.
Since 2011, the Museum has hosted an annual exhibition series of solo exhibitions highlighting the contributions of living female painters and sculptors.
Read our Art Things Considered blog article about the Norton Museum here.
Explores these photographic techniques as enduring forms of artistic engagement
Small focused exhibition
Environmental portraits through moving imagery and film by three contemporary artists
100+ works from the late 19th century to today, depict the global sport and its cultural impact
40+/- works, on loan from The Hispanic Society of America Museum & Library