As long as there is sun, as long as there is light

Exhibition Website

Nov 21 2021 - Jan 7 2024

In 2020, The Ringling received a significant gift of art from Murray Bring and Kay Delaney Bring, in support of the modern and contemporary collection. 

This exhibition presents selections from this gift in dialogue with rarely seen works from The Ringling's collection. Highlights of the gift include an important minimalist work by Anne Truitt and a monumental work on canvas by Gene Davis, both artists affiliated with the Washington Color School. Additional works in the gift represent a generation of prominent artists who work, or have worked, in abstraction, including Clement Meadmore, Jules Olitski, Beverly Pepper, Rebecca Salter, Kenneth Snelson, and Yuriko Yamaguchi, among others. 

On view are sculptures and paintings by distinguished African American and Latin American artists from the collection, including William Edmondson, Eduardo Mac Entyre, Omar Rayo, Baruj Salinas, and Joyce Vourvoulias. The exhibition brings together artworks that probe the themes of spirituality, nature, and perception through explorations in abstraction, minimalism, geometry, and form.

Credit: Exhibition overview from museum website

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