Bethlehem Reborn: The Wonders of the Church of the Nativity

Exhibition Website

Nov 6 2023 - Apr 28 2024

Museum of the Bible

Washington, DC

One of the oldest continuously operating churches in the world, the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem marks the traditional birthplace of Jesus. During its 1,700-year history, it has survived invasions, regime changes, fire, and earthquakes. 

In 2013, the church underwent a process of renovation and restoration. After seven years of meticulous work, the church has been “reborn” and restored to its former glory.​​

Bethlehem Reborn showcases a variety of recent discoveries and high-quality images, as well as highlights a comprehensive timeline on the Church of the Nativity. A unique feature of the exhibit is artist Yousef Zoughbi’s model of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem created from olive wood and mother-of-pearl and dating back to 1936. This model allows visitors to connect more deeply with the story of the Nativity and to access a unique part of the Church of the Nativity’s history.

Credit: Overview from museum website

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