All Stars: American Artists from The Phillips Collection

Exhibition Website

Nov 12 2023 - Mar 3 2024

All Stars: American Artists from The Phillips Collection showcases some of the best of American art from the Washington, D.C.-based The Phillips Collection, one of the most celebrated collections of American art in the United States.

These landmark works encompass more than 140 years of unexpected visual conversations between American artists about what connects us as humans. With works by more than 50 artists including Benny Andrews, Arthur G. Dove, Childe Hassam, Jacob Lawrence, Georgia O'Keeffe, Jackson Pollock, and more, the show explores American art from the birth of the modernist spirit at the end of the nineteenth century through post-war American painting in the mid-twentieth century and into the twenty-first century, with artists exploring the important issues of today.

Credit: Overview from museum website

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