Zeitgeist: The Art Scene of Teenage Basquiat

Exhibition Website

Sep 14 2018 - Dec 14 2018

Zeitgeist: The Art Scene of Teenage Basquiat is a group exhibition focusing on the artists and scene around Jean-Michel Basquiat’s teen-aged, pre-fame years. 

The period covered in the exhibition and film tells the story of Jean-Michel’s early work, peers, and creative community in gritty, pre-AIDS, downtown New York—before the rise of the 80s art and real estate juggernaut. It was a time when decay, drugs, and dissolution fueled a boom in creativity where the definition of fame, success, and power was not based on money, Facebook likes, and self-promotion. For these creators, to be a penniless published poet or a musician gigging at CBs was the height of success. In the rawness of the work, the focus on street art and graffiti, and the experimentation and cross-pollination of styles and disciplines, the era has become a flash point for younger generations seeking to learn about and understand the authenticity, closeness, and community expressed in the work of the artists in Zeitgeist.

The exhibition—and a series of special events—illuminate Basquiat’s work and that of his friends and other artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians who emerged from that scene, including:

Alexis Adler, Charlie Ahearn, Ted Barron, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Philippe Bordas, Robert Carrithers, Henry Chalfant, Brett De Palma, Vivienne Dick, Jane Dickson, Al Diaz, Barbara Ess, Coleen Fitzgibbon, Fab 5 Freddy, Futura, Robert Goldman aka Bobby G, Godlis, Nan Goldin, Richard, Hambleton, Becky Howland, Tessa Hughes-Freeland, Jim Jarmusch, Justen, Ladda, Ann Messner, Mary-Ann Monforton, James Nares, Glenn O’Brien, Franc Palaia, Lee Quiñones, Walter Robinson, Christy Rupp, Luc Sante, Kenny Scharf, Paul Tschinkel, Robin Winters, and Bob Gruen.

Credit: Exhibition overview from museum website

  • Various Media
  • American
  • Jean-Michel Basquiat
  • Nan Goldin
  • Jim Jarmusch
  • and others

Exhibition Venues & Dates