Looking Back: The Western Tradition in Retrospect

Exhibition Website

Jan 20 2018 - May 6 2018

The history of art is usually presented as a forward march, with individual works studied as points along a path of progress to the present. This installation reverses that familiar direction. The sequence proceeds from recent art back to the Renaissance. This retrospective history of art is meant to capture the point of view of artists themselves, who have, for generations, tried—variously—to preserve, transform, surpass, or overturn what came before them. A reverse perspective also accords with how humans are situated in history, looking back inescapably from a position in the present moment, but also powerfully shaped by the past. And it echoes the time sequence of geological sediment through which one has to dig from new layers to older ones.

Looking back on selected artworks from the Western tradition allows us to observe that even the most radical contemporary departures depend heavily on the art of the past and therefore that the Old Masters are relevant still. Visitors are invited to travel the sequence in both directions, from present to past and from past to present, experiencing the different connections, stories, and dislocations that arise.

  • Various Media
  • European
  • Various artists

Exhibition Venues & Dates