Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation

Exhibition Website

Apr 29 2017 - Jul 9 2017

From the builders of some of America’s earliest railroads and farms to Civil Rights pioneers to digital technology entrepreneurs, Indian Americans have long been an inextricable part of American life. Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation explores the Indian American experience and the community’s vital political, professional, and cultural contributions to American life and history. The exhibition moves past pop-culture stereotypes of Indian Americans to explore the heritage, daily experience, and diverse contributions of Indian immigrants and their descendants in the United States. Weaving together stories of individual achievement and collective struggle, Beyond Bollywood uses photography, narrative, multimedia, and interactive stations to tell a uniquely American story, while conveying the texture, vibrancy, and vitality of Indian American communities.

Credit: Exhibition overview from museum website

  • Multi-media / Digital / Video
  • Asian
  • Culture / Lifestyle
  • India
  • Various artists

Exhibition Venues & Dates