Waxed: Batik from Java

Exhibition Website

Sep 25 2016 - Dec 3 2017

Drawn from the DMA’s collection, Waxed: Batik from Java presents a selection of Javanese batik made in the West and Central regions, where the main batik production was centered during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Batik is a wax-resist process for dye-decorating cloth. In Indonesia, batik is especially associated with the island of Java.

The DMA batik collection was established in 1982 with a gift of eight cloths that were collected before 1930. They were donated by Jerry Bywaters, DMA Director from 1946 to 1964, and his wife, Mary, in memory of Paul and Viola van Katwijk. A second installation of these cloths will be presented in March 2017.

Credit: Exhibition overview from museum website

  • Fiber Arts
  • Asian
  • Folk Art
  • Textiles / Basketry / Quilts
  • Southeast Asia

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